sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009

(SECOND EDITION) Course on English Phonetics and Phonology: Pronunciation Instruction for Brazilians I

LECTURER: Dr. Ubiratã K. Alves is a full-time professor at the Graduate Program of Applied Linguistics at Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel)
DATES: October 17th, 24th; November 7th,21st,28th
TIME: 1:30-4:30pm
FEES: (15h)
R$67 (registration) + 3X R$67 (Full price)
Discount of 8% for undergraduate students -R$62 (registration) + 3XR$ 62
Discount of 6% for teachers in active service- R$63 (registration) + 3X R$63
Discount of 4% for Mais Cultura- R$65(registration) + 3XR$65

REGISTRATION: Instituto Amérika das Letras & dos Saberes
Rua Vasco da Gama, 845, sala 204. Fone: (51) 3335.1946

*** Participants will be awarded a certificate of participation.
Further details:

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